Exhibitions at The Metropolitan Museum of Art

3 articles

Jeff Koons’ shiny balloon dog – Would you pay $58 million?

Inspired by the likes of Salvador Dalí and Andy Warhol, Jeff Koons is a recognized artist known for his work in pop culture. As such, his sculptures often depict everyday objects. He is currently among the most popular contemporary artists and is generally considered one of the most important, influential, and most controversial pop artists

Jeff Koons’ shiny balloon dog – Would you pay $58 million? Read More


Why are Sol LeWitt’s wall drawings so influential?

1,350 Wall Drawings in four decades Over the course of his prolific and influential career, Sol LeWitt (1928–2007) produced approximately 1,350 wall drawings, comprising approximately 3,500 installations at more than 1,200 venues. Why did Sol LeWitt let others paint his ideas? Early in his career, Sol LeWitt began to have others help execute his wall

Why are Sol LeWitt’s wall drawings so influential? Read More