Silence Was Golden

Silence Was Golden

Express yourself with golden balloons

The first truly global art project

Australia, Sydney, Sydney Opera House - Drift, Silence was Golden, gold balloons


Silence Was Golden is an on-going global performance series. Across the world, performers choose a word or a short phrase that expresses something important or meaningful to them and then spell it out of golden letter balloons in relevant locations.

So far, thousands of people have taken part, creating a global tapestry of self-expression. The project is open and free to participate.


This site-specific and participatory project gives individuals and communities the opportunity to express themselves on multiple platforms and to collaborate with others.

The ultimate goal is to inspire people of all backgrounds to communicate through art and connect with one another through their unique expressions. The project subtly touches on pressing issues such as freedom of thought, freedom of expression, equal rights and more.

All balloons are reused and recycled.

Thailand-Chiang-Mai-Privacy-silence was golden, gold balloons


The entire project is financed by Public Delivery without any outside institutional or corporate sponsorship. This is a deliberate decision: Any external financial support has the potential to take away from the overall message. Silence Was Golden unfolds at a grassroots level and in equal partnership with performers around the world.

The project is curated by Martin Schulze and presented by Public Delivery.

Russia-Sochi-Utopia-silence was golden, gold balloons


Silence Was Golden is inspired by Marcel Duchamp’s readymades, turning everyday objects into art. It also drew upon Erwin Wurm’s One Minute Sculptures, which were very short and often funny-looking performances. Lastly, the core of the project was inspired by graffiti, using both bold letters and an audacious approach towards public space, frequently working without permission.

Take part for free

Pick any English word or short sentence.

We provide the balloons.

Silence Was Golden, installation view, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Taiwan, 2015


Unfolding across screens, our project showcases the versatility of art in igniting conversations and reimagining our engagement with the world. It blurs the lines between public and private domains, while addressing global themes and fostering a collective human experience.




Our workshops empower students to articulate their thoughts and ideas visually. Participants at schools, universities and beyond get the unique opportunity to contribute to a global art conversation through the medium of golden balloons.


Germany, Duisburg, Heike-Mutter-Ulrich-Gent-Tiger-Turtle-–-Magic-Mountain, Forget, Silence was Golden, gold balloons

