Barbara Kruger’s artworks & exhibitions

5 articles

Born January 26, 1945, in New Jersey, Barbara Kruger is an American graphic artist, designer, collagist, and photographer. She’s a leading figure in The Pictures Generation. Most of her works center on postmodernism, feminist art, conceptual art, and photomontage.

Kruger is most recognized for her black-and-white photo art featuring white-on-red captions in Helvetica Ultra Condensed or Future Bold Oblique text. These silkscreen prints often convey ironic satire and often use pronouns like ‘they’, ‘we’, ‘I’, ‘your’, and ‘you’ to tackle cultural constructions of gender, consumerism, identity, and power.

Barbara Kruger shares her time between New York and Los Angeles, where she teaches at the University of California, Los Angeles School of the Arts and Architecture.

Our top 10 from Art Basel Unlimited Switzerland 2017

Since being introduced in 2000, Art Basel’s Unlimited section shows artworks such as large-scale sculptures, video installations and performances that may not fit in the traditional art-booth framework. This is our top 10 selection of this year’s Unlimited. All comments on the works below are citations from Gianni Jetzer, the curator of Unlimited (2017). “Nick

Our top 10 from Art Basel Unlimited Switzerland 2017 Read More