Art in Norilsk

2 articles

The northern cities in Russia feature grand settlements where residents are dwarfed by the massive factories that they have created, as well as the industrial waste that accompanies such settlements. One of such cities is Norilsk, a place full of harsh conditions that make it a tough place to live in.
Explore what photographers captured while visiting this remote town.

Christophe Jacrot in Norilsk, Russia’s most polluted city

Christophe Jacrot is a captivating French photographer. Most of his artworks attract acclaim from a large audience. One such piece is his Norilsk series. If you’re unaware, Norilsk is a Russian city. However, the series isn’t about the whole city or some abstract theme. The image captures the moment the city is covered in a […]

Christophe Jacrot in Norilsk, Russia’s most polluted city Read More

Alexander Gronsky & Norilsk, the most depressing city on earth

Norilsk by Alexander Gronsky is a photographic series that can trace its origins back to 2013. Norilsk was created after Gronsky’s popular works Pastoral (2013). Unlike Pastoral, however, which was clearly set in the Soviet suburbia and designed to open individuals up to nature, Norilsk carried a much darker and gloomier tone. Norilsk was a

Alexander Gronsky & Norilsk, the most depressing city on earth Read More