Chris Burden’s performances & exhibitions

7 articles

Born Christopher Lee Burden on April 11, 1946, in Boston, Massachusetts, Chris Burden was an American artist known for his shocking body, installation, sculpture, and performance art. His break into the mainstream art world came in the 1970s when he produced his highly-acclaimed performance artwork Shoot (1971), in which he arranged to be shot in the arm with a small gun.

Some of Burden’s outrageous works still puzzle the art community to date. For one, he spent five days in a locker assuming the fetal position while someone pricked pins into his skin. He produced many other eye-raising installations and performance artworks before passing away in California in 2015.

Chris Burden exposed the foundation of the museum

In his works, Chris Burden goes beyond limits to produce immemorable installations that have revolutionized art. Many of his works involve commitment, hard work, and ethos that bring out metaphoric power akin to his performances. Exposing the Foundation of the Museum At the Museum of Contemporary art (MOCA), Chris created a revered installation that displays […]

Chris Burden exposed the foundation of the museum Read More

Our top 10 from Art Basel Unlimited Switzerland 2017

Since being introduced in 2000, Art Basel’s Unlimited section shows artworks such as large-scale sculptures, video installations and performances that may not fit in the traditional art-booth framework. This is our top 10 selection of this year’s Unlimited. All comments on the works below are citations from Gianni Jetzer, the curator of Unlimited (2017). “Nick

Our top 10 from Art Basel Unlimited Switzerland 2017 Read More

Chris Burden an got enormous meteorite on eBay for this installation

Chris Burden was not exactly an everyday artist. While his previous work usually involved a form of danger (see Shoot), his last works have still been about performance, but mostly involved creating very much advanced models of working machines. One of such of his works was sitting in the New Museum, New York, in 2013.

Chris Burden an got enormous meteorite on eBay for this installation Read More