Exhibitions at Hamburger Bahnhof

4 articles

Museum für Gegenwart (commonly known as Hamburger Bahnhof) is a Berlin-based contemporary art museum located in the former Berlin–Hamburg Railway terminus. It is a member museum of the Berlin National Gallery and boasts more than 108,000 square feet of exhibition space.

The current exhibition hall was revamped in 2004 to exhibit the Friedrich Christian Flick Collection. The museum now exhibits a vast collection that comprises large-format works by well-regarded contemporary artists, including Joseph Beuys, Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenberg, Cy Twombly, Bruce Nauman and Alfredo Jaar.

Bruce Nauman - Clown Torture, 1987, four-channel video installation, two projections, four monitors, color, sound, approx. 60 minutes, Collection of the Art Institute of Chicago

What makes Bruce Nauman’s Clown torture so controversial?

As you look at Bruce Nauman’s Clown Torture, what you see is the wildness and relentlessness of his work. A deeper examination of this masterpiece also reveals the work of a person who wishes to explore a few issues that affect human life. Among these are boredom, confusion, and entrapment. On top of that, Nauman’s […]

What makes Bruce Nauman’s Clown torture so controversial? Read More

Anthony McCall & 10 of his best solid light works

Anthony McCall is a pioneering artist in ‘solid light’ installations. His works have been exhibited worldwide and always mesmerizing with the use of natural elements, light, fire and space to create art. Biography McCall was born in England in 1946. He studied graphic design and photography at Ravensbourne College of Art and Design in Kent

Anthony McCall & 10 of his best solid light works Read More

Who is Katharina Grosse & Why does she matter?

Born on October 2, 1961, in Freiburg im Breisgau, Katharina Grosse is a German artist. She uses architecture, painting, and sculpture in her artworks, which tend to be large-scale, site-related installations. Grosse attended art academies in Düsseldorf and Münster. After her education, she taught at the Art Academy Berlin-Weissensee for more than a decade between

Who is Katharina Grosse & Why does she matter? Read More