Art & stones

4 articles

Why did He Yunchang carry this stone around Great Britain for 112 days?

Chinese performance artist He Yunchang has been using his body as the main prop in his art pieces. His performances are often hard on endurance, and he has to go to the extremes to showcase his might. He Yunchang carries stone around the perimeter of Great Britain On 23 September 2006, he collected a beach […]

Why did He Yunchang carry this stone around Great Britain for 112 days? Read More

Isamu Noguchi - Horace Dodge Fountain – Hart Plaza, Detroit, Michigan feat

Why are Isamu Noguchi’s sculptures & furniture pieces so influential?

A walk through Japan reveals the close correlation between nature and aesthetics. Amid the natural setup are works of art that remind everyone about the history, beliefs and affiliations of the Japanese people. The modern art concept of creating spectacular pieces to create an art park is becoming rather common owing to the pioneering work

Why are Isamu Noguchi’s sculptures & furniture pieces so influential? Read More

Ugo Rondinone’s colorful rocks in Vegas

Far in the desert south of the city of Las Vegas in Nevada, you will find seven colossal pillars of stones made by pilling small, colorful pebbles perpendicularly. The figures appear poised between monumentality and collapse, creating a striking sight amidst barren landscapes. Titled Seven Magic Mountains, the shapes were installed by internationally-renowned New York-based

Ugo Rondinone’s colorful rocks in Vegas Read More