Clockwork for Oracles
Ugo Rondinone is one of the biggest names of the 21st Century in the art world. He is renowned for many spectacular creations. The Clockwork for Oracles, which he created in 2008, is one such artwork. It is remarkable despite the seeming simplicity. Moreover, it demonstrates the fact that Rondinone is capable of shifting between different types of art with outstanding ease. More significantly, this piece of work offers audiences a chance to appreciate the remarkable talents of a skilled artist.

What is it?
The Clockwork of Oracles is a site-specific installation. That means it’s designed for the current site upon which it stands. It demonstrates the fantastic intuitiveness that Rondinone is capable of bringing to the fore. Additionally, this piece also proves that the artist is attentive enough to create something befitting the venue upon which it sits proudly. Furthermore, the artwork offers more evidence that Rondinone’s understanding of two aspects of art – space and scale – remains unhinged.

It would be wrong to talk about the Clockwork of Oracles without delving into its immersive qualities. That quality is sufficient at giving you the sort of experience that’s capable of shifting your moods every time you watch the art. Essentially, the installation has hypnotic qualities. More remarkably, it hypnotizes you without making you feel alienated. That Rondinone was able to achieve all that is truly astonishing. The more you watch this piece of art, the more playful you will feel. Its 52-window display is out of this world.

Video: Ugo Rondinone speaks about Clockwork for Oracles II
1 min 57 sec
Deep Reflection
Deep Reflection
You will not only feel inspired to act playfully by watching Clockwork of Oracles. Instead, you also get the chance to sit back and reflect on all that’s happening around you. The meticulous nature of the innovation – coupled with the level of precision involved – is bound to drive you into a time of reflection. You feel challenged to reflect by gazing upon the installation’s range of formal and abstract possibilities. For this reason, you will agree that Rondinone’s work is anything but superficial.

Significantly, the Clockwork of Oracles stimulates the two sides of your brain. In this regard, it’s safe to state that Rondinone achieves his purpose. As profound as it is, the installation also rewards your senses immediately. The 52 windows involved in the work correspond to the 52 weeks of a year. Each window acts as a mirror into your society. That hits you right between your eyes as you also realize that the creation focuses on the passage of time. It also offers you a chance to consider man’s mortality.