Photographer Timo Stammberger in subway tunnels without permission

Timo Stammberger - Underground Landscapes - Stockholm
Timo Stammberger – Underground Landscapes – Stockholm


Timo Stammberger (b. 1980) is a Berlin-based photographer. He is the first to document subway tunnels in his extensive series Underground Landscapes that shows the underground architecture from major cities like New York, Lisbon, Budapest, Berlin and others.

Underground Landscapes

The surprising element is that the subway tunnels that millions of people pass through every day have their own unique character. Stammberger’s photos reveal a stunning perspective on the city’s underground. The eager adventurer has discovered a wide variety of tunnels, from the dirty and old ones in NYC built in the 1900s to the brand-new high-tech tunnels of Vienna, in operation since 2010. His work requires a lot of dedication: Usually, subway companies don’t allow photographers into their network and even taking photos on the subway platforms is forbidden. The underground architecture is protected by a wide variety of security measures, ranging from infrared cameras and sensors to security personnel. How Stammberger creates his photos will remain unknown for now but keep an eye out for this underrated photographer.

Photos of subway tunnels


Timo Stammberger - Underground Landscapes - Berlin
Timo Stammberger – Underground Landscapes – Berlin
Timo Stammberger - Underground Landscapes - Berlin
Timo Stammberger – Underground Landscapes – Berlin
Timo Stammberger - Underground Landscapes - Berlin
Timo Stammberger – Underground Landscapes – Berlin
Timo Stammberger - Underground Landscapes - Berlin
Timo Stammberger – Underground Landscapes – Berlin
Timo Stammberger - Underground Landscapes - Berlin
Timo Stammberger – Underground Landscapes – Berlin


Timo Stammberger - Underground Landscapes - New York
Timo Stammberger – Underground Landscapes, New York
Timo Stammberger - Underground Landscapes - Philadelphia
Timo Stammberger – Underground Landscapes, Philadelphia


Timo Stammberger - Underground Landscapes - Barcelona
Timo Stammberger – Underground Landscapes, Barcelona
Timo Stammberger - Underground Landscapes - Budapest
Timo Stammberger – Underground Landscapes, Budapest
Timo Stammberger - Underground Landscapes - Hamburg
Timo Stammberger – Underground Landscapes, Hamburg
Timo Stammberger - Underground Landscapes - Hamburg
Timo Stammberger – Underground Landscapes, Hamburg
Timo Stammberger - Underground Landscapes - Stockholm
Timo Stammberger – Underground Landscapes, Stockholm
Timo Stammberger - Underground Landscapes - Vienna
Timo Stammberger – Underground Landscapes, Vienna
Timo Stammberger - Underground Landscapes
Timo Stammberger – Underground Landscapes
Timo Stammberger - Underground Landscapes
Timo Stammberger – Underground Landscapes
Timo Stammberger - Underground Landscapes
Timo Stammberger – Underground Landscapes
All images used with permission.
