
141 articles

Photography encompasses the practice or process of producing an image through the effect of light on a photo-sensitive material. It is undoubtedly one of the most popular and widely available media in contemporary art, having been invented in the late 1830s. Since then, the many different styles and forms of photography have grown exponentially in popularity.

There are numerous approaches to photography, from photo-abstraction to photojournalism and docu-photography. Meanwhile, photography movements have emerged from almost every generation, and they range from the Düsseldorf School and Diaristic Photography to New American Color Photography and Modern Photography.

Alec Soth’s Broken Manual – Somewhere to Disappear

Broken Manual by photographer Alec Soth is a compelling series that was created over a four-year period, from 2006-2010. They reflect Soth’s increasing interest in the mounting anger and frustration that some—specifically male—Americans feel with societal constraints and their subsequent desire to remove themselves from civilization. The resulting work is a group of portraits of

Alec Soth’s Broken Manual – Somewhere to Disappear Read More


Sunghee Lee’s mesmerizing photos of empty billboards in Thailand

The Empty Billboards is a unique series produced by France-based photographer Sunghee Lee. Originally from South Korea, the artist came up with the project as a way of promoting positive thinking. With so much negative energy in the world, the Panneaux would be the legacy that surely lives on after he is physically gone. Before

Sunghee Lee’s mesmerizing photos of empty billboards in Thailand Read More


Andreas Gursky from 1990 to present – His best photos

Andreas Gursky, born in 1955 in Leipzig, Germany, is a renowned photographer who uses colorful, large-scale depictions of modern life. Living and working in Düsseldorf, Germany, he represents a revaluation of realism within contemporary photography through conceptual staging and digital image editing. The German photographer popularised photography focusing on day-to-day human activities in commerce, sports

Andreas Gursky from 1990 to present – His best photos Read More


Nadav Kander: 3 years taking photos of China’s longest river

For his Yangtze photos Nadav Kander came to China several times in 2005 to 2007, visited 186 cities and traveled along the world’s third-largest river, from the spring in the Himalaya to the mouth. Humans are usually just portrayed as small figures next to a gigantic setting, either the river itself or one of the

Nadav Kander: 3 years taking photos of China’s longest river Read More


Photographer Timo Stammberger in subway tunnels without permission

Timo Stammberger (b. 1980) is a Berlin-based photographer. He is the first to document subway tunnels in his extensive series Underground Landscapes that shows the underground architecture from major cities like New York, Lisbon, Budapest, Berlin and others. Underground Landscapes The surprising element is that the subway tunnels that millions of people pass through every

Photographer Timo Stammberger in subway tunnels without permission Read More

David Guttenfelder’s remarkable photos of real life in North Korea

North Korea had remained largely off-limits to foreigners for 60 years. When finally, Associated Press wanted to open a bureau in North Korea, it sent its chief photographer, David Guttenfelder, on several trips there. It was an enigma for everyone. The country that had been closed off for such a long time had people curious

David Guttenfelder’s remarkable photos of real life in North Korea Read More