Art & climate change

9 articles

Nigeria’s Makoko Floating School – Everything you need to know

Global warming has become one of the most prominent issues in today’s world. As a result, water levels are rising, and people who live in coastal communities have come across a series of challenges. However, some might not need to worry about it too much. Some architectural possibilities are emerging to help them adapt according

Nigeria’s Makoko Floating School – Everything you need to know Read More

Mark Bradford’s giant sculpture Mithra resembles Noah’s ark

Asked to describe himself, Mark Bradford uses the words demolisher and builder in the same breadth and it is easy to see why. Using posters created for promoting merchant goods and services, flyers and general advertising materials, he takes pride in transforming anything he can lay his hands on into large-scale art pieces. His specialty

Mark Bradford’s giant sculpture Mithra resembles Noah’s ark Read More

Daesung Lee – Futuristic Archeology feat

Daesung Lee’s photography – 75% of Mongolia might turn into a desert

Daesung Lee’s Futuristic Archeology project deals with the nomadic people of Mongolia. Although Mongolia has seen increasing modernization and urbanization in recent decades, approximately 35% of Mongolians still live a traditional nomadic lifestyle, thus depending on the vast land and their relationship with the land to survive. Mongolia’s land can barely be used for farming.

Daesung Lee’s photography – 75% of Mongolia might turn into a desert Read More

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