Artworks shown at the New York Museum of Modern Art

16 articles

Established in 1929 as an international center of modern and contemporary art, the Museum of Modern Art plays a critical role in the collection and development of art pieces. It is located on 53rd Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues of Midtown Manhattan in New York City.

The New York MoMA houses one of the most exquisite collections of modern and contemporary art drawn from various parts of the world. Some of the exciting pieces here include Claude Monet’s Water Lilies, The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dalí, Les Demoiselles d’Avignon by Picasso, and The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh. The total number of artworks housed at this museum is estimated to be 200,000.

Roman Ondák’s Measuring the Universe – 90,000 people created this artwork

Conceptual artists, particularly in Europe, have a rather exceptional and extremely rich history that spans decades. Nowadays, conceptual art is still one of the most prominent art movements. In the early days, conceptual art did not play a prominent scene and would often thrive as an underground movement. Although artists have been experimenting with the […]

Roman Ondák’s Measuring the Universe – 90,000 people created this artwork Read More

That time when Maurizio Cattelan posed as Picasso

Maurizio Cattelan’s works have earned him a reputation as a provocateur and a prankster. He also created some of the most memorable pieces in contemporary art. Cattelan’s art covers a range of subjects, from culture to history and religion. His sculptures arouse humor and controversy by criticizing societal evils, abuse of power, and authority. At

That time when Maurizio Cattelan posed as Picasso Read More

Louise Bourgeois – Maman (Spider), 1999, Long Museum (West Bund), Shanghai, 2018

Louise Bourgeois’ iconic spider Maman – Everything you need to know

Introduction Louise Bourgeois’ art has always been inspired by her upbringing and childhood. As an artist, Bourgeois remained at the forefront of successive new developments for over six decades that she had been in the industry. She always did so in her own powerful and inventively ingenious terms. In 1982, at the age of 71

Louise Bourgeois’ iconic spider Maman – Everything you need to know Read More

Jeff Koons’ The New – What is this influential vacuum series all about?

Introduction Jeff Koons is a quintessential neo-pop artist. Therefore, it is not surprising to find artworks made by this legendary contemporary artist fashioned from random trinkets that you would find at a neighborhood yard sale. The components used to create his pieces may not be considered fine art or sophisticated by any means. “Art has

Jeff Koons’ The New – What is this influential vacuum series all about? Read More

Philip-Lorca diCorcia – The faces of the hustlers of Hollywood

Between 1990 and 1992, photographer Philip-Lorca diCorcia made five trips to Los Angeles to take photos of male prostitutes in Hollywood. DiCorcia first approached his subjects in LA’s Boystown, located in West Hollywood. Instead of having sexual activities, diCorcia offered to pay after getting photographs of them. The best spots for Hustlers Before making an

Philip-Lorca diCorcia – The faces of the hustlers of Hollywood Read More

Yin Xiuzhen & her 14 meter minibus Collective Unconscious

Collective Subconscious is a large-scale interactive installation created by Beijing-based artist Yin Xiuzhen. She has spent the last twenty-five years creating and displaying works that reflect her surrounding environment and her relationship with it. Her works are usually personal and environmentally engaging and typically site-specific. Collective Subconscious, which is composed of a bisected minivan connected

Yin Xiuzhen & her 14 meter minibus Collective Unconscious Read More

Portrait of Andrew Beccone

Interview: Andrew Beccone – How a library turned into an artwork

Andrew Beccone is an artist with a master’s degree in Information and Library Science and the founder of the Reanimation Library, a collection of carefully selected books. I caught up with Andrew during his residency at the Queens Museum Studio Program. While there have been remote temporary iterations in cities across the US and the

Interview: Andrew Beccone – How a library turned into an artwork Read More