Art & deserts

16 articles

Open skies, expansive emptiness, great light, and colossal space – welcome to the mesmerizing world of art in deserts. It’s really easy to understand why the desert is a truly monumental and irresistible blank canvas for any earth, land or installation artist.

As challenging as it can be, desert environments offer a stunningly beautiful landscape that can produce some of the most breathtaking art pieces. The exquisite and diverse features, flora, and fauna of the desert environment make great artworks.

Art in deserts portrays a variety of elements and unforgettable scenes of desert environments and their special charm. The most popular creators of desert art include Michael Heizer and Walter De Maria.

Aleix Plademunt in Dubailand, the world’s most expensive theme park

After being exposed to numerous renderings and 3d models of Dubailand, a new place near Dubai, photographer Aleix Plademunt decided to visit the place. Dubailand was compiled over a 3-month period that saw Aleix Pledemunt travel across the rich oasis of Dubai, which is a city that has come to be known for its opulent

Aleix Plademunt in Dubailand, the world’s most expensive theme park Read More


Steve McCurry’s magic India moments – Glamorous & worrying

Photographer Steve McCurry has been traveling to various parts of the globe photographing and capturing different subjects and people. His photography has led him down hidden pathways and streets, searching for what he calls the magic moment when color, light, and emotion work together in perfect harmony to create a beautiful picture. His search is

Steve McCurry’s magic India moments – Glamorous & worrying Read More

Doug Wheeler’s Synthetic Desert at Guggenheim – 46 years in the making

Over 40 years ago, a leading Light and Space artist called Doug Wheeler imagined an art project that resembled the tranquility you would experience if you travelled to an expansive desert such as the one in Arizona. For a long time, the idea only existed on paper due to the amount of resources it required

Doug Wheeler’s Synthetic Desert at Guggenheim – 46 years in the making Read More

Ugo Rondinone’s colorful rocks in Vegas

Far in the desert south of the city of Las Vegas in Nevada, you will find seven colossal pillars of stones made by pilling small, colorful pebbles perpendicularly. The figures appear poised between monumentality and collapse, creating a striking sight amidst barren landscapes. Titled Seven Magic Mountains, the shapes were installed by internationally-renowned New York-based

Ugo Rondinone’s colorful rocks in Vegas Read More

Daesung Lee – Futuristic Archeology feat

Daesung Lee’s photography – 75% of Mongolia might turn into a desert

Daesung Lee’s Futuristic Archeology project deals with the nomadic people of Mongolia. Although Mongolia has seen increasing modernization and urbanization in recent decades, approximately 35% of Mongolians still live a traditional nomadic lifestyle, thus depending on the vast land and their relationship with the land to survive. Mongolia’s land can barely be used for farming.

Daesung Lee’s photography – 75% of Mongolia might turn into a desert Read More

Artist David Brooks & These massive rooftops on Manhattan’s last undeveloped lot

Imagine viewing rooftops at eye level with pedestrians in Manhattan, New York? That seems nearly impossible when you consider New York has more than 300 high-rise buildings taller than 150 meters. This means that to really appreciate the city’s landscape of rooftops, one has to climb to the rooftop of another landmark building or take

Artist David Brooks & These massive rooftops on Manhattan’s last undeveloped lot Read More