Conceptual art

151 articles

Conceptual art is an art form whereby the ideation, planning, and creation process carry more importance than the product itself. Put otherwise, the concept, decision, or idea behind the artwork is more important than the result when it comes to conceptual art.

This art movement gained traction in the mid-1960s through the mid-1970s following the publication of Paragraphs on Conceptual Art by leading artist Sol LeWitt in 1967.

Conceptual artists often create art in many different forms, including earth art, body art, video art, installation, performance art, happenings, and photographic documentation. The principle that unites all these art tendencies is the idea-based approach to art creation.

Magdalena Jetelová’s domesticated pyramids fill up museums

Czech installation artist Magdalena Jetelová has made a name for herself in the world of conceptual land art, and the Domestication of Pyramids is hands down her most spectacular work in this art form. Even though she is also well known for her light contraptions and visualizations of nature and landscapes, the Pyramids remain the

Magdalena Jetelová’s domesticated pyramids fill up museums Read More


Cyprien Gaillard’s Recovery of discovery – A beer pyramid

Cyprien Gaillard is a French modern artist born in 1980 in the capital of France, Paris. Currently, he lives and works between New York and Berlin. His work oscillates between minimalism, romanticism, vandalism, and land art. Influences Land art artist Robert Smithson created and advocated the concept of entropy. This concept, the idea of disorder

Cyprien Gaillard’s Recovery of discovery – A beer pyramid Read More